Ottawa’s favourite independent newspaper is now in its 15th Volume. Due to COVID-19, all issues published since March 2020 have been digital-only, hosted on our website that garners an average of 150 daily views. We now offer advertising on our news articles in different formats and pricing listed below.
In February 2009, the first issue of the Leveller was published. Since then, seventy-seven issues have been produced and over 100,000 copies of the paper have hit the streets to excellent reception.
- Progressive coverage of local, national, and international news, as well as university events, with a particular focus on local arts and culture
- Readership of politically, socially, and culturally engaged individuals, encompassing local post-secondary campuses, as well as residents of the greater Ottawa community
- The Leveller is a not-for-profit venture run by hard-working staff, volunteers and paid contributors and editors
- Unbeatable Advertising Rates!
- Discounts available on multi-issue ad purchases
- Email newsletters to our lists of readers and contributors when new issues are published
- Advertising managed by staff, as opposed to an algorithm
Attention Garnered
- In June 2021, the City of Ottawa Integrity Commissioner cited the Leveller‘s March 2019 article “Below Grade” by Neal Rockwell in a report on the conduct of Barrhaven Councillor Jan Harder. The Leveller‘s reporting sparked a complaint process into the councillor’s conduct on the City of Ottawa planning committee, in which our reporting was referred in local media by Global News, Ottawa Citizen, columnist Kelly Egan and Le Droit
- Featured on CBC’s All in a Day, including interview with Adrian Harewood and an editor from The Leveller (electronic audio file available by request)
- Blogged about by Ottawa citizen “RealGrouchy” on tales from a grouch
- Invited to be part of a roundtable on media, which included an editor from The Leveller, as well as The Charlatan’s editor-in-chief and CKCU’s radio host (published by The Charlatan)
- Many letters received from students and community members, including prominent journalists and the chair of the Carleton University Board of Governors
Ad Locations & Pricing
We offer multi-issue ad purchases with options available for back issues as well as future production. Starting June 2021, issue productions will be between 4 to 5 weeks. Please inquire about timelines and deadlines with our Operations Manager.

Three locations are available for advertisements. Footers appear at the bottom and sidebars at the right of the news articles. “Sticky” ads follow the reader’s screen while not-sticky remains static on the page. Here is an example of how it appears on a generic news article for desktop or tablet readers:
We accept any image format (JPG, PNG, GIF). Footer ads are restricted to a width and height of 870px200px. Sidebar ads are restricted to a width and height of 400px1600px. Contact our Operations Manager to make ad arrangements.